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At Company of Khanh, we appreciate the satisfaction of a meal prepared with warmth and nourishing values. We specialize in gatherings for those who are curious and enthusiastic about cultural food, an excitement Khanh N. Hoang, the chef and founder, inherits from. Each event is unique to its location, guest list, cultural theme, and opportunity to make new friends.

The goal of our menu is to cultivate the American palate to benefit from modernity by increasing ethnic fares. Therefore, we embrace all culinary diversity; uniting flavors like Mexican, English, Persian, Greek, Cuban, Moroccan, Turkish, Ethiopian, Peruvian, Vietnamese and French cuisines (to name a few) - that made growing up in Southern California so unique. The menus can be singularly themed, but are often merged and evolved by cultural resemblance to bring people from all backgrounds to gather at a table.

We invite you to experience our upcoming events and to relish the company of others.